
AMC Services

AMC Service

Tejomay Power Solutions offers a range of comprehensive and non-comprehensive maintenance services to support critical power and electronic equipment for 24 x 7 uninterrupted operations. The company assures clients of maximum protection and smooth functioning of their infrastructure by providing expert solutions.

As a service and solution provider, Tejomay Power Solutions (TPS) offers annual maintenance services for various brands of UPS and Power conditioning equipment’s. With team of expert technical engineers and technicians TPS can install confidence in clients regarding the safety and reliability of their systems, through providing prompt services.

TPS has expertise in providing regular maintenance and thorough inspections to reduce downtime for critical power backup equipment such as UPS systems, stabilizers, solar systems. Without proper preventive maintenance, these systems can fail, especially when located in harsh, dusty, or corrosive environments.

To address this issue, TPS offers custom preventive maintenance programs for UPS systems UPS systems, stabilizers, solar systems.

In summary, TPS provides reliable and comprehensive maintenance solutions to ensure the uninterrupted functioning of power back systems and electronic equipment.

TPS Offers a comprehensive range of maintenance services for UPS systems which includes as mentioned below in different packages.



Package 1- Comprehensive- MASTER

Package 2:-



Package 3:-



24 x 7 Service Support – On filed or Telephonic




Free Preventive Maintenance for Batteries and UPS



Free service or PM visits (No labour charges involved)




Only Cards replacement and setting related issues are covered.




IGBT, MOSFETS, all other Components other than wound components are covered





  • Detail scope of work will be different as per AMC options chosen by client. (Options are – Package 1- Comprehensive- MASTER / Package 2 – Semi – Comprehensive – PROFICIENT / Package 3 – Non – Comprehensive – NOVICE)


  • Battery Preventive Maintenance includes –

(A) Maintaining the correct battery fluid levels and top up the cells so that the plates and separators are just covered by electrolyte. As per Battery manufacturers recommend that levels are regularly checked.

(B) Visual inspection to look for battery leakage, swelling, corrosion as well as the battery environment.

(C) Measuring of voltage levels

(D) Checking batteries for loose connection

(E) Testing of cell/unit internal ohmic value (VRLA only)


  • Online / Offline / Lift UPS Preventive Maintenance Includes –

(A) Conduct a visual inspection of the UPS, making sure the overall environment is clean and free of dust and debris.

(B) Examine and evaluate the room’s ventilation system to confirm it is operational

(C) Look for loose wires, burned insulation or additional signs of damage

(D) Clean and vacuum UPS equipment enclosures

(E) Power down the system and inspect each of its parts for indications of corrosion or heat damage. (If necessary and depends on shutdown allowed by the client at the time of PM)

(F) Test the UPS’s overall operation